Get to know us
Prolingo Editors, established under the Companies Act 2013, specializes in language translation, editing, rewriting, and related services since our inception in 2017. Our mission is to enhance communication between Indian languages and the global community. Committed to excellence, we empower clients to expand their businesses, fostering growth and job creation through top-notch translation services. We are an ISO 9001:2015 certified translation agency having Corporate Identification Number (CIN) - U74999UP2017PTC098769
Our mission
At the core of our mission is the commitment to delivering cost-effective and high-quality services within the translation industry. While embracing technology for efficiency, we staunchly uphold the belief that true translation excellence requires the human touch. Our approach combines the benefits of technology to streamline processes without compromising the unparalleled quality of human-driven translations, ensuring language is never a barrier—be it a student pursuing global studies or a multinational expanding services for employment in remote areas.
Vision Statement
Envisioning a world interconnected through translation, recognizing its profound impact on every facet of work and business. Amidst the vast landscape, language translation stands out as a delicate art, demanding a profound understanding of two languages. We advocate for the preservation of every language, recognizing their pivotal roles in the economy, market, and global business. Our belief is grounded in the conviction that preserving languages is key to unlocking the full potential of global business, ensuring a seamless flow of both economy and language.
Our team
Our diverse team at Prolingo Editors comprises individuals with profound expertise spanning journalism, literature, translation, languages, science, and social fields. By leveraging our extensive experience, we are dedicated to delivering customer satisfaction through service excellence tailored to each unique field, ensuring precision and reliability in every project.

Mr. J. Lal
Founder & Director

Ms. Neelam
Co-founder & Director

Mr. Siddharth

Mr. Rakesh
Quality Head